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AM2 - AM2 Practical Assessment


A Robust timed practical assessment in five sections

A robust timed practical assessment in five sections, the AM2 requires candidates to perform a set of common occupational tasks and procedures that a fully qualified electrician might face when working in commercial or industrial premises, as well as dwellings. It assesses candidates on installation, inspection & testing and fault-finding; their work must comply with the current British Standard (BS7671: 2018) and meet with the requirements of relevant Health & Safety legislation and industry best practice.

The purpose of the AM2 is to ensure all qualifying installation electricians achieve a single standard that has been agreed by the employers in the industry as meeting their expectations from newly qualified personnel. The content, structure and marking of the assessment is designed to produce evidence that a candidate has gained all the relevant safety critical competencies during their training process.

Assessment centres are not accessible for training purposes and NET licensed assessors are not involved in the training or development of candidates. Accordingly, the AM2 provides a reliable and trusted independent assessment of safe, high-quality standards for the electrical installation industry and is highly valued by employers, who regard it as proof of competence for an electrician.

The AM2 is compulsory for apprentices, adult trainees or upskilling workers who seek to gain industry-recognised qualified status; raising overall safety and skill levels and ensuring that candidates from various routes have the skills employers need. It was extensively revised in 2010 to reflect current industry standards and best practice, following a wide-ranging, independent consultation process with employers, candidates, training providers and other industry parties.